Piano Dental Clinic
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Uzman Dt. Hatice Özçelik , 04 May 2023


Preventive dentistry is the cornerstone of dentistry as well as all health services. The purpose of these applications is to keep the teeth in the mouth in a healthy way and to prevent problems that may arise over time. For example; In an adult patient, the caries that starts between the teeth can be resolved with a small one-sided filling, but if the intervention is late, root canal treatment or even extraction may result. Therefore, preventive dentistry practices are very important for both adults and children. Preventive dentistry in adults and children; It includes necessary treatments, oral hygiene education and routine controls.

Preventive dentistry is the cornerstone of dentistry as well as all health services. The purpose of these applications is to keep the teeth in the mouth in a healthy way and to prevent problems that may arise over time. For example; In an adult patient, the caries that starts between the teeth can be resolved with a small one-sided filling, but if the intervention is late, root canal treatment or even extraction may result. Therefore, preventive dentistry practices are very important for both adults and children. Preventive dentistry in adults and children; It includes necessary treatments, oral hygiene education and routine controls.


What are Preventive Dentistry Practices?

Preventive dentistry includes applications for the resolution of the most common oral and dental diseases, such as tooth decay and gingivitis, at the recommended dentist checks every 6 months. These applications are:

  • Fissur Sealant: This application is applied to permanent (permanent, permanent) teeth and molars with recessed form to protect the teeth.
    In order to minimize the risk of caries for the first permanent tooth, the most frequently applied fissure sealant teeth are the 6-year-old teeth, which are the first teeth to erupt in children. Thanks to fissure sealants, these recesses are closed and the possibility of caries formation is reduced. This procedure should definitely be applied for children whose oral care awareness is not fully developed. Fissure sealant, which is one of the basic applications of preventive dentistry, can also be applied to adults.
  • Professional Teeth Cleaning: Professional dental cleaning is needed to clean the plaque and tartar on the teeth, especially for areas that are difficult to reach when brushing and flossing, such as the gum line. Cleaning the teeth by dentists once a year within the scope of preventive dentistry is very important for oral and dental health.
  • Fluoride Treatment: Fluoride, which is a naturally occurring mineral in the mouth under normal conditions, helps teeth to be stronger and more resistant to decay. to occur
    When the fluoride needed by the teeth cannot be adequately supplied, dentists apply fluoride treatment to the teeth.
    aims to protect health. Fluoride treatment, which is a quick and easy preventive dentistry application, can be applied to both children and adults.
  • Filling Paste Application: Dental filling pastes, which are generally preferred for back teeth, are a thin coating applied to the chewing surfaces of the teeth. The filling material infiltrates into the natural cracks and pits on the tooth surface and prevents the formation of bacteria and helps to prevent caries.
  • Caries Diagnosis: With advances in dentistry technology, it is now possible to diagnose dental caries early. Laser technology, which is fast, easy and safe, is used for this.
    Treating early detected caries with preventive dentistry is of great importance in protecting oral and dental health.
  • Placeholders: It is a tool used to protect the permanent teeth in case of premature loss of primary teeth due to caries, trauma or premature falling out.
    is the appliance. These appliances are custom made.
  • X-rays :X-rays help determine what's under the tooth surface and the health of the jaw. Dentists with the naked eye or with the aid of instruments
    He checks with X-rays to detect dental diseases that he cannot see.

It is recommended to have a dental check-up every 6 months to protect your oral and dental health. Regular checkups can treat existing problems before they progress.


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